A Mission Statement is like a lighthouse on the sea of homeschooling & life.
-Do you struggle with curriculum hopping?
-Do you feel lost in your homeschool journey?
-Do you question why you started homeschooling?
Use this resource to bring clarity and calm to your homeschool and family!

Business Clarity
It may sound simple, but gaining clarity in your business begins with getting crystal clear with yourself about your goals, desires, and the true reason for doing what you do. You may be thinking, "Right. I know I have to have a "why"." Oh, it is so much more than a why, my friend. It involves taking time to really dig in, and write out or type out (yes, actually doing it not just thinking about it!) why you started this business or stepped into this business. What inspired you? What motivated you? What keeps you coming back to it? Or what makes you want to quit? Who are you serving? Are you serving others? Maybe you need to pivot your business, maybe you need actually to quit! Maybe you need to get clear on what you're doing and why you started in the first place.
Take my business clarity quiz and give your business a healthy check-up.

Mental Clarity
Mental clarity, it's not an app, a system, another person, or pure willpower. While those things can help, I can tell you first hand, they will never get to the root issue. Mental clarity begins in your gut.
Yes, you need a good system, but if you don't have the mental space to think through developing a system you'll never set one up or even know where to begin. Yes, you can gain a lot of mental clarity from cleaning up your diet, but if you don't have the focus to know what to cook or even the ability to know where to look, you'll never change your diet or stick to it.
Mental clarity involves getting physically well, as in, getting rid of brain fog, and health issues so you can actually show up for yourself, your family, and your business!
Don't skip over or dismiss this part! It just might be more simple than you think, it was for me. Click below to take my gut health quiz to check in on your physical well-being.
Get your gut right, to get your mind right!

The Signing Momma
The Signing Momma ASL program is a ONE-time purchase of only $27
You get access to all 5 episodes on my website or use the free app!
Plus you will get 10 Signing Time flash card sets. And once a month ~LIVE Training~ with me on our private Facebook page.
Scroll down to purchase and take advantage of this parenting tool and supportive community.
Follow me on social for more!

Hello Friend!
My name is Iris, I’m a second-generation homeschooling, work-from-home mom with passions that overflow my cup.
I’m married to a bearded handsome man and we live with our kids in the beautiful state of Alaska!
As a second-generation homeschooler, I thought homeschooling would be easy. I’m the second oldest of 5, I have 3 younger brothers whom I helped homeschool, so as I started having kids I thought I had it all figured out. Turns out, I didn’t!
So, maybe you’re like me and you thought homeschooling would be easier than it is. Maybe you’re a seasoned homeschooler and you’re just burnt out. Maybe this is your first year of homeschooling and you’re nervous and want to know what to expect. I’m here for you.
I’m here to encourage you, to struggle alongside you, and to share with you what I’m finding that’s bringing clarity to my homeschooling journey.
Cause that’s what we truly desire right? Clarity! Just give me clear guidance!
I have found several things over the years that have brought this beautiful clarity to me. And I’m eager to share!
Not only do I homeschool my almost 8 children, who are all about 2 years apart, but I also run a successful business from home. I balance it. Sometimes I balance it all really well. And sometimes I fall flat on my face. And I’m here to tell you it’s doable and it’s worth it to have multiple incomes and lead a legacy of entrepreneurial-minded kids!
Gain Clarity. I’m here to help you find clarity in homeschooling and business!
So grab a hot cup of tea and let’s journey together. I’m so glad you’re here, busy momma.
Thank you for stopping by!
PS. You'll find my passion for American Sign Language throughout my site too. Infact, I have my own program I designed for my kids. Check it out below!